Thursday, January 25, 2007

Oblivion under WINE

Took a little break yesterday, and got Oblivion running under WINE with AIGLX.
Wine 0.9.29, Oblivion 1.1.5xx, Nvidia 9746, Installed and patched from inside WINE so the WINE Window's registry is correct.

regedit keys:
OffscreenRenderingMode fbo
VideoMemorySize 256
UseGLSL enabled

Oblivion.ini ( various tweaks )


Anonymous said...

That is truly incredible. I just read your tutorial on UbuntuForums, and I'm amazed you managed to pull it off.

Unfortunately my graphics card barely runs Oblivion even under WinXP, but if I ever upgrade, I'll give your method a try. If nothing else, it was enlightening.

Terry Hendrix II said...

I've got a more detailed HOWTO now:

Basically, it fills in a few specific details left out for howto to do each step for x86_64. Mainly for people that cut and paste commands, and don't understand them. ;)

Anonymous said...

"Basically, it fills in a few specific details left out for howto to do each step for x86_64. Mainly for people that cut and paste commands, and don't understand them. ;)"

Oh, you mean like me ;)


Anonymous said...

Is it slower than playing on windows?

If so how bad is it? Just curious really I don't even have linux.

Unknown said...

I found the wine-making comment hilariously punny, though I doubt it was intended as such...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys you must'nt turn many effects off to run Oblivion on Linux. I googled around the Web and found some ways to use HDR, for example.

Unknown said...

You sir, are a legend!

Anonymous said...

nice post