Thursday, July 5, 2007

freyja notes

I forgot to mention all the new features from the .13 release wishlist got into .14. If you click on your Help menu in freyja you'll notice that it now links to various websites for this project for reporting bugs, etc across platforms. In Windows it will load your preferred browser, and currently in Linux it attempts to guess your preferred browser. I may add gconf support later, since this project favors GNOME users to use your set preference for that DE.

In the future auto network updates much like firefox in Windows will be integrated. This way you only need to download what's changed, and the system becomes more flexible. Now that the supporting libraries are about locked down it might be possible to do this as soon as the zip/gz support library is ready. I'm holding off checking in the network code done last week until then. This is mainly due to the fact that I might want to add new hooks for compression on the fly or maybe even binary deltas. That is however unlikely for an initial test release.

If you have the Lua plugin crash in Windows please report it. I'm going to go ahead and schedule time to look at it this weekend, but more test data is always nice. I'm going to some job interviews out of town this week, as I'm seeking to relocate to the Atlanta metro area. The next freyja release will likely be mostly bug fixes as well due to the time constraints.

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