Monday, May 16, 2016

Linux OpenVR hacks

After trolling the steam forums a few days ago with this:

I notice this today:

Hopefully have an update at the end of the week.  :)

First time I tested on an HMD in a while, and I notice the new deferred water isn't setup correctly.  Pretty handy to have a dynamic RT browser.

Bonus for those wondering there is a branchless way to do screen-space pass UVs for single target + serialized | two target parallel.  Blogger makes it painful to post source... sorry if it screws it up after I hit update.  :)

out vec2 v_Texcoord;

void main()
    // Fullscreen clipped triangle.
    int x = ( gl_VertexID << 1 ) & 2;
    int y =  gl_VertexID & 2;
    v_Texcoord = vec2( x, y );
    gl_Position = vec4( v_Texcoord * vec2( 2.0, 2.0 ) + vec2( -1.0, -1.0 ), 0.0, 1.0 );

    // Monoscopic : 2.0, RightEye : 1.0, LeftEye : 0.0
    // { scale = 1, offset = 0 }; { scale = 0.5, offset = 0.5 }; { scale = 0.5, offset = 0.0 }
    int i = int(floor( _Eye )) >> 1; 
    float stereo = 1.0 - i;
    float scale = 1.0 - 0.5 * stereo;
    float offset = 0.5 * _Eye * stereo;
    v_Texcoord.x = v_Texcoord.x * scale + offset;

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